Finally, Comic Fiesta 2010 has passed~~

I am proud to say that this year, Comic Fiesta has received over 11000 visitors ;D


So as President, 
 I will be reporting this,

 It has been a blast at Comic Fiesta 2010, with all the free gifts the MC's were giving out, skilled performances by the fans of Comic Fiesta, beautiful art at the doujin booths and awesome cosplayers who attended there.

It was good and we are all hoping it will be better next year :]

Thank you Comic Fiesta and to those of you who made it even better~! 

WE APPRECIATE IT~!!!, for our dear Bunny Squad Members, 

 Due to the large amount of people who participated during CF 2010, it has caused us to be unable to interact with each other properly...

And no, i'm not saying we should blame this on Comic Fiesta XD

 Some of the Bunny Members have been depressed because of this and all i wish to say is that, no matter what happens, it is not the end. We'll still meet again no matter what...

the Bunny Squad shall live so long as the Bunny Family and the Bunny Members will it to be~! 

Oh yes, and i almost forgot, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE OHOHOHOHO~!!!!

Hope all of you have a wonderful time during Christmas and Enjoy yourselves with Both your family and friends

President Bunny Mama Akira